• info@alchemistartist.com
  • Tampa, FL


The Portrait of Imperialism Project

I have a dream that one day, the effects of imperialism on black people will no longer weigh them down with chains of oppression, but rather, lift them up to the heights of freedom and equality.

The Artemis Moon Project

It’s truly wonderful how the moon’s enigmatic beauty can inspire such deep fascination and creativity in people. The moon has captivated human imagination for centuries, and its various phases, illuminations, and shadows offer endless opportunities for artistic expression. My partner is the moon of my life <3.

The Butterfly Project

The most humbling experience I have had outside of being a mom, was creating an incredible butterfly garden from seeds and eventuality going through several season’s caring for butterfly babies from egg to death. My butterfly art honors this experience.

The Solar Flare Project

The canvas of The Solar Flare Project’s pieces are textured with precision. Utilizing resin to craft a tactile experience that mirrors the intensity of solar activity. Thus, creating both a tactile and visual experience.

The Carnivore Project

In the heart of an overgrown, forgotten corner of the lagoon, where the air was thick with the heavy scent of decay and the ground squelched underfoot with each tentative step, a carnivorous plant lurked, a creation both marvel and menace.

The Rings Project

The planetary rings, these ephemeral and ethereal wonders of our cosmic stage, inspire a sense of awe and wonder, much like a symphony of celestial beauty.